/** * Base block object - for extending * @param {object} blockData all block data from database (block database row) */ function ptsBlockBase(blockData) { this._data = blockData; this._$ = null; this._original$ = null; this._id = 0; this._iter = 0; this._elements = []; this._animationSpeed = 300; this._disableContentChange = false; //this._oneTimeElementsInited = false; } ptsBlockBase.prototype.get = function(key) { return this._data[ key ]; }; ptsBlockBase.prototype.getParam = function(key) { return this._data.params[ key ] ? this._data.params[ key ].val : false; }; ptsBlockBase.prototype.setParam = function(key, value) { if(!this._data.params[ key ]) this._data.params[ key ] = {}; this._data.params[ key ].val = value; }; ptsBlockBase.prototype.getRaw = function() { return this._$; }; /** * Alias for getRaw method */ ptsBlockBase.prototype.$ = function() { return this.getRaw(); }; ptsBlockBase.prototype.setRaw = function(jqueryHtml) { this._$ = jqueryHtml; this._resetElements(); this._initHtml(); if(this.getParam('font_family')) { this._setFont( this.getParam('font_family') ); } }; ptsBlockBase.prototype._initElements = function() { this._initElementsForArea( this._$ ); }; ptsBlockBase.prototype._initElementsForArea = function(area) { var block = this , addedElements = []; var initElement = function(htmlEl) { var elementCode = jQuery(htmlEl).data('el') , elementClass = window[ 'ptsElement_'+ elementCode ]; if(elementClass) { var newElement = new elementClass(jQuery(htmlEl), block); newElement._setCode(elementCode); var newIterNum = block._elements.push( newElement ); addedElements.push( newElement ); newElement.setIterNum( newIterNum - 1 ); // newIterNum == new length of _elements array, iterator number for element - is new length - 1 } else { if(g_ptsEdit) console.log('Undefined Element ['+ elementCode+ '] !!!'); } }; jQuery( area ).find('.ptsEl').each(function(){ initElement(this); }); if(jQuery( area ).hasClass('ptsEl')) { initElement( area ); } this._afterInitElements(); return addedElements; }; ptsBlockBase.prototype._afterInitElements = function() { }; ptsBlockBase.prototype._resetElements = function() { this._clearElements(); this._initElements(); }; ptsBlockBase.prototype._clearElements = function() { if(this._elements && this._elements.length) { for(var i = 0; i < this._elements.length; i++) { this._elements[ i ].destroy(); } this._elements = []; } }; ptsBlockBase.prototype.getElements = function() { return this._elements; }; ptsBlockBase.prototype._initHtml = function() { }; /** * ID number in list of canvas elements * @param {numeric} iter Iterator - number in all blocks array - for this element */ ptsBlockBase.prototype.setIter = function(iter) { this._iter = iter; }; ptsBlockBase.prototype.showLoader = function(txt) { var loaderHtml = jQuery('#ptsBlockLoader'); txt = txt ? txt : loaderHtml.data('base-txt'); loaderHtml.find('.ptsBlockLoaderTxt').html( txt ); loaderHtml.css({ 'height': this._$.height() , 'top': this._$.offset().top }).addClass('active'); }; ptsBlockBase.prototype.hideLoader = function() { var loaderHtml = jQuery('#ptsBlockLoader'); loaderHtml.removeClass('active'); }; ptsBlockBase.prototype._setFont = function(fontFamily) { var $fontLink = this._getFontLink(); // If this is not standard font - it should be Google font, so - load it from Google Fonts server here if(toeInArrayPts(fontFamily, ptsBuildConst.standardFonts) === false) { $fontLink.attr({ 'href': 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family='+ encodeURIComponent(fontFamily) //, 'data-font-family': fontFamily }); } this._$.css({ 'font-family': fontFamily }); this.setParam('font_family', fontFamily); }; ptsBlockBase.prototype._getFontLink = function() { var $link = this._$.find('link.ptsFont'); if(!$link.size()) { $link = jQuery('').appendTo( this._$ ); } return $link; }; ptsBlockBase.prototype.getElementByIterNum = function(iterNum) { return this._elements[ iterNum ]; }; ptsBlockBase.prototype.removeElementByIterNum = function(iterNum) { this._elements.splice( iterNum, 1 ); if(this._elements && this._elements.length) { for(var i = 0; i < this._elements.length; i++) { this._elements[ i ].setIterNum( i ); } } }; ptsBlockBase.prototype.destroyElementByIterNum = function(iterNum, clb) { this.getElementByIterNum( iterNum ).destroy( clb ); // It will call removeElementByIterNum() inside element destroy method }; /** * Price table block base class */ function ptsBlock_price_table(blockData) { this._increaseHoverFontPerc = 20; // Increase font on hover effect, % this._$lastHoveredCol = null; this._refreshColsBinded = false; this._onloadHandle = false; this._isAlreadyShowed = false; this._isResponsiveDescInit = false; ptsBlock_price_table.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } extendPts(ptsBlock_price_table, ptsBlockBase); ptsBlock_price_table.prototype._getColsContainer = function() { return this._$.find('.ptsColsWrapper:first'); }; ptsBlock_price_table.prototype._getCols = function(includeDescCol) { return this._getColsContainer().find('.ptsCol'+ (includeDescCol ? '' : ':not(.ptsTableDescCol)')); }; ptsBlock_price_table.prototype._afterInitElements = function() { ptsBlock_price_table.superclass._afterInitElements.apply(this, arguments); if(parseInt(this.getParam('enb_hover_animation'))) { this._initHoverEffect(); } if (this.getParam('table_align')) this._$.addClass('ptsTableAlign_' + this.getParam('table_align')); if (this.getParam('text_align')) this._$.addClass('ptsAlign_' + this.getParam('text_align')); if(!this._disableContentChange) { this._refreshCellsHeight(); } if(!this._refreshColsBinded) { this._$.bind('ptsBlockContentChanged', jQuery.proxy(function(){ this._refreshCellsHeight(); }, this)); this._refreshColsBinded = true; } if(!_ptsIsEditMode()) { // Not for edit mode unfortunatelly .... var $tooltipstedCells = this._$.find('.ptsCell[title]'); if(this.getParam('disable_custom_tooltip_style') != '1') { if($tooltipstedCells && $tooltipstedCells.size()) { // TODO: Move this to Options and make this part more flexible var tooltipsterSettings = { contentAsHTML: true , interactive: true , speed: 250 , delay: 0 , animation: 'swing' , maxWidth: 450 , position: 'top' }; $tooltipstedCells.tooltipster( tooltipsterSettings ); } } var self = this , PTS_VISIBLE_SET_HEIGHT_KEY = 'PTS-VISIBLE-SET-HEIGHT-KEY'; this._fixResponsive(); jQuery(window).resize(function(){ if (! self._$.is(':visible')) { self._$.data(PTS_VISIBLE_SET_HEIGHT_KEY, false); } else { self._fixResponsive(); self._refreshCellsHeight(); } }); jQuery(window).on('toggleChangeCellHeight', function () { self._refreshCellsHeight(); }); jQuery(function () { var isEnableLazyLoad = function () { return self._$.find('img[data-lazy-src]:not(.lazyloaded)').size() > 0; }, checkedLazyLoadLib = false; if (isEnableLazyLoad()) checkedLazyLoadLib = true; document.body.addEventListener("DOMSubtreeModified", function (e) { if (checkedLazyLoadLib && e.target.nodeType == 1 && e.target.nodeName == "IMG" && jQuery.contains(self._$.get(0), e.target) ) { var isLoadedImages = true; self._$.find('img[data-lazy-src]').each(function () { var $this = jQuery(this); if (!$this.hasClass('lazyloaded') && !$this.hasClass('lazyload')) isLoadedImages = false; }); if (isLoadedImages) { checkedLazyLoadLib = false; self._$.find('img[data-lazy-src]').on('load', function () { self._fixResponsive(); self._refreshCellsHeight(); }); } } if (self._isAlreadyShowed || ! self._$) return; if (self._$.visible()) { self._isAlreadyShowed = true; self._fixResponsive(); self._refreshCellsHeight(); } }, false); self.setCalcWidth(); }); } else { this.columnChidrensWidthCalc(); } var self = this; if (! this._onloadHandle) { this._onloadHandle = true; jQuery(window).load(function(){ self._refreshCellsHeight(); }); } }; ptsBlock_price_table.prototype._initHoverEffect = function() { if(_ptsIsEditMode()) { this.setParam('enb_hover_animation', 1); return; } var $cols = this._getCols() , self = this; this._disableHoverEffect( $cols ); $cols.bind('hover.animation', function(e){ switch(e.type) { case 'mouseenter': case 'mousein': self._increaseHoverFont( jQuery(this) ); break; case 'mouseleave': case 'mouseout': self._backHoverFont( jQuery(this) ); break; } }); this.setParam('enb_hover_animation', 1); }; ptsBlock_price_table.prototype._increaseHoverFont = function($col) { var self = this; if(_ptsIsEditMode()) return; // Not for edit mode unfortunatelly .... var $descCell = $col.find('.ptsColDesc'); $col.height($col.height()); // Reset height on frontend.tables.js (listeners: window resize) $descCell.find('span').each(function(){ var newFontSize = jQuery(this).data('new-font-size'); if(!newFontSize) { var prevFontSize = jQuery(this).css('font-size') , fontUnits = prevFontSize.replace(/\d+/, '') , fontSize = parseInt(str_replace(prevFontSize, fontUnits, '')); if(fontSize && fontUnits) { newFontSize = Math.ceil(fontSize + (self._increaseHoverFontPerc * fontSize / 100)); jQuery(this) .data('prev-font-size', prevFontSize) .data('font-units', fontUnits) .data('new-font-size', newFontSize); } } if(newFontSize) { jQuery(this).css('font-size', newFontSize+ jQuery(this).data('font-units')); } }); if(this.getParam('is_horisontal_row_type') != '1') { if(!$descCell.attr('data-prev-height')){ var descHeight = $descCell.outerHeight(); $descCell.attr('data-prev-height', descHeight); }else{ descHeight = $descCell.attr('data-prev-height'); } $descCell.css({ 'min-height': descHeight , 'height': 'auto' }); } $col.addClass('hover'); if(_ptsIsEditMode()) { setTimeout(function(){ var colElement = self.getElementByIterNum($col.data('iter-num')); if(colElement) { colElement.repositeMenu(); } }, g_ptsHoverAnim); // 300 - standard animation speed } }; ptsBlock_price_table.prototype._backHoverFont = function($col) { if(_ptsIsEditMode()) return; // Not for edit mode unfortunatelly .... $col.removeClass('hover'); var $descCell = $col.find('.ptsColDesc'); $descCell.find('span').each(function(){ var prevFontSize = jQuery(this).data('prev-font-size'); if(prevFontSize) { jQuery(this).css('font-size', prevFontSize); } }); setTimeout(function(){ $descCell.outerHeight( $descCell.data('prev-height') ); }, 300); // time is set in css styles, but it always is something around 300ms }; ptsBlock_price_table.prototype._disableHoverEffect = function($cols) { this.setParam('enb_hover_animation', 0); if(_ptsIsEditMode()) return; // Not for edit mode unfortunatelly .... $cols = $cols ? $cols : this._getCols(); $cols.unbind('hover.animation'); }; ptsBlock_price_table.prototype.getColSelectors = function() { return { header: {sel: '.ptsColHeader'} , desc: {sel: '.ptsColDesc'} , rows: {sel: '.ptsRows'} , cells: {sel: '.ptsCell'} , footer: {sel: '.ptsColFooter'} }; }; ptsBlock_price_table.prototype.getMaxColsSizes = function( widthDesc ) { var $cols = this._getCols( widthDesc ) , sizes = this.getColSelectors(); $cols.each(function(){ //fix effects from bug with large min-height in frontend #266 jQuery(this).css({'min-height' : 'auto'}); for(var key in sizes) { if(key == 'rows') continue; var $entity = jQuery(this).find(sizes[ key ].sel); if($entity && $entity.size()) { if(key == 'cells') { if(!sizes[ key ].height) sizes[ key ].height = []; var cellNum = 0; $entity.each(function(){ var prevHeight = jQuery(this).outerHeight(); jQuery(this).css('height', 'auto'); var height = jQuery(this).outerHeight(); if(!sizes[ key ].height[ cellNum ] || sizes[ key ].height[ cellNum ] < height) { sizes[ key ].height[ cellNum ] = height; } //jQuery(this).outerHeight( prevHeight ); cellNum++; }); } else { var prevHeight = $entity.outerHeight(); $entity.css('height', 'auto'); var height = $entity.outerHeight(); if(!sizes[ key ].height || sizes[ key ].height < height) { sizes[ key ].height = height; } $entity.outerHeight( prevHeight ); } } } }); return sizes; }; ptsBlock_price_table.prototype.getColumnWithInfo = function(strWidthAttr) { var trimAttr = strWidthAttr.trim(); var number = trimAttr.match('\\d+'); var isPerc = trimAttr.match('%'); var isPx = trimAttr.match('\\d+'); if(number === null || (isPerc === null && isPx === null)) { return null; } return new Object({ 'num': (number.length && number.length > 0 && !isNaN(parseInt(number[0]))) ? parseInt(number[0]) : null, 'isPerc': isPerc === null ? false : true }); }; ptsBlock_price_table.prototype.setColsWidth = function(width, perc) { var thatObj = this; if(thatObj.getParam('is_horisontal_row_type') != '1') { if (this.getParam('dsbl_responsive') === '1') { var tableWidth = this._$.width(), fixedValueTableWidth = this._$.width(), $cols = this._getCols(true), notSettedColumnWidthArr = new Array(); $cols.each(function () { var col1 = jQuery(this); if (col1.length > 0 && col1[0].style && col1[0].style.width) { var colWidthObj = thatObj.getColumnWithInfo(col1[0].style.width); if (colWidthObj && 'num' in colWidthObj && 'isPerc' in colWidthObj) { var calcColWidth = 0; if (colWidthObj.isPerc) { calcColWidth = fixedValueTableWidth * colWidthObj.num / 100; } else { calcColWidth = colWidthObj.num; } var colPdL = parseFloat(col1.css('padding-left')), colPdR = parseFloat(col1.css('padding-right')), colMgL = parseFloat(col1.css('margin-left')), colMgR = parseFloat(col1.css('margin-right')), colSumMarginPadding = 0; if (!isNaN(colPdL)) { colSumMarginPadding += colPdL; } if (!isNaN(colPdR)) { colSumMarginPadding += colPdR; } if (!isNaN(colMgL)) { colSumMarginPadding += colMgL; } if (!isNaN(colMgR)) { colSumMarginPadding += colMgR; } tableWidth -= calcColWidth; calcColWidth = Math.floor(calcColWidth - colSumMarginPadding); if (calcColWidth < 0) { calcColWidth = 0; } col1.width(calcColWidth); } else { notSettedColumnWidthArr[notSettedColumnWidthArr.length] = col1; } } else { notSettedColumnWidthArr[notSettedColumnWidthArr.length] = col1; } }); if (tableWidth > 0 && notSettedColumnWidthArr.length > 0) { var calcWidthForNsCol = Math.round(tableWidth / notSettedColumnWidthArr.length); for (var oneNsColumn in notSettedColumnWidthArr) { // set width for Other columns notSettedColumnWidthArr[oneNsColumn].width(calcWidthForNsCol); } } } else { width = parseFloat(width); if (width) { if (!perc) { this.setParam('col_width', width); } var $cols = this._getCols(true); if (perc) { width += '%'; } else { width += 'px'; } $cols.css({ 'width': width }); } } } else { this.columnChidrensWidthCalc(); } }; ptsBlock_price_table.prototype.columnChidrensWidthCalc = function() { if(this.getParam('is_horisontal_row_type') != '1') { return; } // only for HORIZONTAL ROW var $cols = this._getCols(true); $cols.each(function (ind, oneCol) { var currColumn = jQuery(oneCol) , emptyChilds = currColumn.find('.ptsTableElementContent').children(':not(:has(">div")):not(".ptsColBadge")') , level1Childs = currColumn.find('.ptsTableElementContent').children(':has(">div"):not(".ptsColBadge")') , level1ChildRows = currColumn.find('.ptsTableElementContent').children('.ptsRows') , level2ChildRows = level1ChildRows.children() , allChildCount = level1Childs.length , level2ChildCount = 1; if(level1ChildRows.length > 0 && level2ChildRows.length > 0) { allChildCount += level2ChildRows.length -1; level2ChildCount = level2ChildRows.length; } // emptyChilds.css({ 'width': "0%", 'margin': '0', 'padding': '0', }); var oneChildWidth = Math.floor(95 / allChildCount); level1Childs.css('width', oneChildWidth + '%'); var widthInPixel = level1Childs.css('width'); level1ChildRows.css('width', (level2ChildCount*oneChildWidth+2) + '%'); level2ChildRows.css('width', widthInPixel); }); } ptsBlock_price_table.prototype.checkColWidthPerc = function() { if(this.getParam('calc_width') === 'table') { this.setColWidthPerc(); } }; ptsBlock_price_table.prototype.setColWidthPerc = function() { var $cols = this._getCols( parseInt(this.getParam('enb_desc_col')) ); this.setColsWidth( 100 / $cols.size(), true ); }; ptsBlock_price_table.prototype.setTableWidth = function(width, measure) { if(width && parseInt(width)) { width = parseInt(width); this.setParam('table_width', width); } else { width = this.getParam('table_width'); } if(measure) { this.setParam('table_width_measure', measure); } else { measure = this.getParam('table_width_measure'); } this._$.width( width+ measure ); }; ptsBlock_price_table.prototype.setTableVertPadding = function(padding, measure) { if(padding && parseInt(padding)) { padding = parseInt(padding); this.setParam('vert_padding', padding); } else { padding = this.getParam('vert_padding'); } if(measure) { this.setParam('vert_padding_measure', measure); } else { measure = this.getParam('vert_padding_measure'); } this._$.find('.ptsCol').css('paddingBottom', padding + 'px'); }; ptsBlock_price_table.prototype.setCalcWidth = function(type) { if(type) { this.setParam('calc_width', type); } else { type = this.getParam('calc_width'); } switch(type) { case 'table': this.setTableWidth(); this.setColWidthPerc(); break; case 'col': var enb_desc_col = this.getParam('enb_desc_col') != 0 ? true : false; this._$.width(this._getCols(enb_desc_col).size() * this.getParam('col_width') ); this.setColsWidth( this.getParam('col_width') ); break; } }; ptsBlock_price_table.prototype._fixResponsive = function() { if(this.getParam('is_horisontal_row_type') == '1') { return; } var $parent = this._$.parents('.ptsTableFrontedShell:first').parent() , parentWidth = $parent.width() , widthMeasure = this.getParam('table_width_measure') , calcWidth = this.getParam('calc_width') , includeDesc = parseInt(this.getParam('enb_desc_col')) , $cols = this._getCols( includeDesc ) , actualTblWidth = this._$.width() , criticalColWidth = isNaN(parseInt(this.getParam('resp_min_col_width'))) ? 150 : parseInt(this.getParam('resp_min_col_width')) , dsblResponsive = parseInt(this.getParam('dsbl_responsive')); this._$.removeClass('ptsBlockMobile'); switch(calcWidth) { case 'table': switch(widthMeasure) { case '%': var self = this , removeOtherDescCol = function () { if (!dsblResponsive && !_ptsIsEditMode() && self._$.find('.ptsTableDescCol').size() > 1 && includeDesc) { var $descCols = self._$.find('.ptsTableDescCol') , firstCol = false; $descCols.each(function () { var $this = jQuery(this); if (! firstCol) { firstCol = true; return; } $this.remove(); }); } }; //removeOtherDescCol(); $cols = this._getCols( includeDesc ); var colsNum = $cols.size() , currWidth = actualTblWidth / colsNum; if(currWidth <= criticalColWidth && !dsblResponsive) { $cols.css('width', '100%'); if (!_ptsIsEditMode() && includeDesc) { var $descColumn = this._$.find('.ptsTableDescCol').first() , $columns = this._$.find('.ptsCol:not(.ptsTableDescCol)') , firstCol = false; removeOtherDescCol(); var i = 0; $columns.each(function () { var $this = jQuery(this); if (! firstCol) { firstCol = true; return; } i++; $descColumn.clone().insertBefore($this); }); this._isResponsiveDescInit = true; this._$.find('.ptsCol').css('width', '50%'); } this._$.addClass('ptsBlockMobile'); this.setParam('went_to_responsive', 1); } else { removeOtherDescCol(); if(this.getParam('went_to_responsive')) { this.setColWidthPerc(); this.setParam('went_to_responsive', 0); } } break; case 'px': if(actualTblWidth > parentWidth) { this.setParam('went_to_responsive', this.getParam('table_width')); this.setTableWidth(100, '%'); // make it 100% in this case this._fixResponsive(); // Repeat - to check case '%': } else if(this.getParam('went_to_responsive')) { this.setTableWidth(this.getParam('went_to_responsive'), 'px'); // Back to px width this.setParam('went_to_responsive', 0); } break; } break; case 'col': var colsNum = $cols.size() , currWidth = parseFloat(this.getParam('col_width')); if(currWidth * colsNum >= parentWidth) { this.setParam('went_to_responsive', currWidth); this.setParam('table_width', 100); // Set table width to 100% this.setParam('table_width_measure', '%'); this.setCalcWidth('table'); this._fixResponsive(); // Repeat - to check case '%': } else if(this.getParam('went_to_responsive')) { this.setCalcWidth('col'); this.setParam('col_width', this.getParam('went_to_responsive')); // Back to px width this.setParam('went_to_responsive', 0); } break; } }; ptsBlock_price_table.prototype._refreshCellsHeight = function() { // Really important - keep all this functionality as light as possible, as it can slow down whole builder work //console.time('_refreshCellsHeight'); var $cols = this._getCols( true ) , self = this , sizes = this.getMaxColsSizes( true ); $cols.each(function(){ for(var key in sizes) { var $entity = jQuery(this).find(sizes[ key ].sel); if(self.getParam('is_horisontal_row_type') == '1') { $entity.css({'height': 'auto'}); } else { if(key == 'rows') { $entity.css({'height': 'auto'}); continue; } if($entity && $entity.size()) { if(key == 'cells') { var cellNum = 0; $entity.each(function(){ jQuery(this).css('height', sizes[ key ].height[ cellNum ] ); cellNum++; }); } else { $entity.outerHeight( sizes[ key ].height ); if ($entity.outerHeight() != sizes[ key ].height) { $entity.css('height', sizes[ key ].height); } } } } } }); //console.timeEnd('_refreshCellsHeight'); };