function ptsElementBase(jqueryHtml, block) { this._iterNum = 0; this._id = 'el_'+ mtRand(1, 999999); this._animationSpeed = g_ptsAnimationSpeed; this._$ = jqueryHtml; this._block = block; if(typeof(this._menuOriginalId) === 'undefined') { this._menuOriginalId = ''; } this._innerImgsCount = 0; this._innerImgsLoaded = 0; //this._$menu = null; this._menu = null; this._menuClbs = {}; if(typeof(this._menuClass) === 'undefined') { this._menuClass = 'ptsElementMenu'; } this._menuOnBottom = false; this._code = 'base'; this._initedComplete = false; this._editArea = null; if(typeof(this._isMovable) === 'undefined') { this._isMovable = false; } this._moveHandler = null; this._sortInProgress = false; if(typeof(this._showMenuEvent) === 'undefined') { this._showMenuEvent = 'click'; } if(typeof(this._changeable) === 'undefined') { this._changeable = false; } if(g_ptsEdit) { this._init(); this._initMenuClbs(); this._initMenu(); var images = this._$.find('img'); if(images && (this._innerImgsCount = images.size())) { this._innerImgsLoaded = 0; var self = this; images.load(function(){ self._innerImgsLoaded++; if(self._$.find('img').size() == self._innerImgsLoaded) { self._afterFullContentLoad(); } }); } } this._onlyFirstHtmlInit(); this._initedComplete = true; } ptsElementBase.prototype.getId = function() { return this._id; }; ptsElementBase.prototype.getBlock = function() { return this._block; }; ptsElementBase.prototype._onlyFirstHtmlInit = function() { if(this._$ && !this._$.data('first-inited')) { this._$.data('first-inited', 1); return true; } return false; }; ptsElementBase.prototype.setIterNum = function(num) { this._iterNum = num; this._$.data('iter-num', num); }; ptsElementBase.prototype.getIterNum = function() { return this._iterNum; }; ptsElementBase.prototype.$ = function() { return this._$; }; ptsElementBase.prototype.getCode = function() { return this._code; }; ptsElementBase.prototype._setCode = function(code) { this._code = code; }; ptsElementBase.prototype._init = function() { this._beforeInit(); }; ptsElementBase.prototype._beforeInit = function() { }; ptsElementBase.prototype.destroy = function() { }; ptsElementBase.prototype.get = function(opt) { return jQuery('
').html(this._$.attr( 'data-'+ opt )).text(); // not .data() - as it should be saved even after page reload, .data() will not create element attribute }; ptsElementBase.prototype.set = function(opt, val) { this._$.attr( 'data-'+ opt, jQuery('
').text(val).html() ); // not .data() - as it should be saved even after page reload, .data() will not create element attribute }; ptsElementBase.prototype._getEditArea = function() { if(!this._editArea) { this._editArea = this._$.children('.ptsElArea'); if(!this._editArea.size()) { this._editArea = this._$.find('.ptsInputShell'); } } return this._editArea; }; ptsElementBase.prototype._getOverlay = function() { return this._$.find('.ptsElOverlay'); }; /** * Standart button item */ function ptsElement_btn(jqueryHtml, block) { if(typeof(this._menuOriginalId) === 'undefined') { this._menuOriginalId = 'ptsElMenuBtnExl'; } this._menuClass = 'ptsElementMenu_btn'; this._haveAdditionBgEl = null; this._changeable = true; this.includePostLinks = true; ptsElement_btn.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } extendPts(ptsElement_btn, ptsElementBase); ptsElement_btn.prototype._onlyFirstHtmlInit = function() { if(ptsElement_btn.superclass._onlyFirstHtmlInit.apply(this, arguments)) { if(this.get('customhover-clb')) { var clbName = this.get('customhover-clb'); if(typeof(this[clbName]) === 'function') { var self = this; this._getEditArea().hover(function(){ self[clbName](true, this); }, function(){ self[clbName](false, this); }); } } } }; ptsElement_btn.prototype._hoverChangeFontColor = function( hover, element ) { if(hover) { jQuery(element) .data('original-color', this._getEditArea().css('color')) .css('color', jQuery(element).parents('.ptsEl:first').attr('data-bgcolor')); // Ugly, but only one way to get this value in dynamic way for now } else { jQuery(element) .css('color', jQuery(element).data('original-color')); } }; ptsElement_btn.prototype._hoverChangeBgColor = function( hover, element ) { var parentElement = jQuery(element).parents('.ptsEl:first'); // Actual element html if(hover) { parentElement .data('original-color', parentElement.css('background-color')) .css('background-color', parentElement.attr('data-bgcolor')); // Ugly, but only one way to get this value in dynamic way for now } else { parentElement .css('background-color','original-color')); } }; ptsElement_btn.prototype._hoverBorderColor = function( hover, element ) { //var parentElement = jQuery(element).parents('.ptsEl:first'); // Actual element html if(hover) { jQuery(element) .data('original-color', jQuery(element).css('border-color')) .css('border-color', jQuery(element).parents('.ptsEl:first').attr('data-bgcolor')); // Ugly, but only one way to get this value in dynamic way for now } else { jQuery(element) .css('border-color', jQuery(element).data('original-color')); } }; /** * Table column element */ function ptsElement_table_col(jqueryHtml, block) { if(typeof(this._menuOriginalId) === 'undefined') { this._menuOriginalId = 'ptsElMenuTableColExl'; } if(typeof(this._menuClass) === 'undefined') { this._menuClass = 'ptsElementMenu_table_col'; } if(typeof(this._isMovable) === 'undefined') { this._isMovable = true; } this._showMenuEvent = 'hover'; this._colNum = 0; ptsElement_table_col.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); /*if(parseInt(this.get('enb-schedule'))) { console.log(this.getIterNum()); }*/ } extendPts(ptsElement_table_col, ptsElementBase); ptsElement_table_col.prototype.setIterNum = function() { ptsElement_table_col.superclass.setIterNum.apply(this, arguments); if(!g_ptsEdit && typeof(ptsScheduleCheck) !== 'undefined') { ptsScheduleCheck(this); } }; /** * Table description column element */ function ptsElement_table_col_desc(jqueryHtml, block) { this._isMovable = false; ptsElement_table_col_desc.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); //this.refreshHeight(); //var self = this; /*this.getBlock().$().bind('ptsBlockContentChanged', function(){ self.refreshHeight(); });*/ } extendPts(ptsElement_table_col_desc, ptsElement_table_col); /*ptsElement_table_col_desc.prototype.refreshHeight = function() { var sizes = this.getBlock().getMaxColsSizes(); for(var key in sizes) { var $entity = this._$.find(sizes[ key ].sel); if($entity && $entity.size()) { if(key == 'cells' && sizes[ key ].height) { var cellNum = 0; $entity.each(function(){ if(typeof(sizes[ key ].height[ cellNum ]) !== 'undefined') { jQuery(this).css('height', sizes[ key ].height[ cellNum ]); } cellNum++; }); } else { $entity.css('height', sizes[ key ].height); } } } };*/ /** * Text element */ function ptsElement_table_cell_txt(jqueryHtml, block) { if (block.getParam('responsive_text')) { jqueryHtml.find('span, p').responsiveText({ minFontSize: 14 }); } this.includePostLinks = true; ptsElement_table_cell_txt.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } extendPts(ptsElement_table_cell_txt, ptsElementBase);