var g_ptsEdit = false , g_ptsBlockFabric = null , g_ptsHoverAnim = 300 // Table hover animation lenght, ms - hardcoded for now , g_ptsHoverMargin = 20; // Table hover margin displace, px - hardcoded for now //array with unique_id template that without enabled options header row //overlap toggle elements var uniqueIdArray = ['wnOq3v2K', 'sa0DHT4h', 'B1gpCofW', 'ptmJ4YnA', 'r0OL4vCy']; jQuery(document).ready(function(){ _ptsInitFabric(); if(typeof(ptsTables) !== 'undefined' && ptsTables && ptsTables.length) { for(var i = 0; i < ptsTables.length; i++) { g_ptsBlockFabric.addFromHtml(ptsTables[ i ], jQuery('#'+ ptsTables[ i ].view_id)); jQuery('body').trigger('set_default_position'); //for fix horizontal element size bugs if(ptsTables[i].unique_id === "7m6k5X0i"){ jQuery('#'+ ptsTables[ i ].view_id).attr('data-unique_id', ptsTables[i].unique_id); } // fix overlap toggle elements if(uniqueIdArray.indexOf(ptsTables[i].unique_id) != -1){ jQuery('#'+ ptsTables[ i ].view_id).attr('data-unique_id', ptsTables[i].unique_id); //if undefined that means options is enabled by default. var enableHeader = '1'; if (typeof ptsTables[i].params.enb_head_row !== 'undefined') { enableHeader = typeof (ptsTables[i].params.enb_head_row.val) !== "undefined" ? '0' : '1'; } jQuery(document.body).trigger( "overlay_toggle", [ ptsTables[i].unique_id , enableHeader] ); } jQuery(".ptsTableFrontedShell .tooltipstered").removeAttr("title"); } } }); jQuery(window).load(function() { setTimeout(function() { jQuery('body').trigger('resize'); }, 500); }); //in case images are loading dynamically jQuery('.ptsEl.ptsCol[data-el="table_col"] img').on('load', function() { jQuery('body').trigger('resize'); }); function _ptsInitFabric() { g_ptsBlockFabric = new ptsBlockFabric(); } function ptsGetFabric() { return g_ptsBlockFabric; } function _ptsIsEditMode() { return (typeof(g_ptsEditMode) !== 'undefined' && g_ptsEditMode); }